Compendio de etimologÃas grecolatinas del espaÃol by AgustÃn Mateos MuÃoz
This is a book that explores the origins and meanings of Spanish words derived from Greek and Latin. It is written by AgustÃn Mateos MuÃoz, a professor of classical languages and literature at the Universidad Nacional AutÃnoma de MÃxico. The book covers topics such as morphology, phonetics, semantics, syntax, and cultural history of the Spanish language. It also includes exercises, tables, maps, illustrations, and indexes.
The book is intended for students and teachers of Spanish as a foreign language, as well as anyone interested in the history and evolution of the language. It is a useful resource for expanding vocabulary, improving spelling, and understanding the connections between words. The book is available in print and digital formats.Some of the words derived from Greek and Latin that the book explains are:
etimologias grecolatinas agustin mateos pdf download
Academia: from Latin academia, which comes from Greek akademeia, the name of the grove where Plato taught.
Biblioteca: from Latin bibliotheca, which comes from Greek bibliotheke, meaning \"bookcase\".
Ciencia: from Latin scientia, which comes from the verb scire, meaning \"to know\".
Drama: from Latin drama, which comes from Greek drao, meaning \"to act\".
EconomÃa: from Latin oeconomia, which comes from Greek oikonomia, meaning \"household management\".
FilosofÃa: from Latin philosophia, which comes from Greek philosophia, meaning \"love of wisdom\".
GÃnero: from Latin genus, which comes from Greek genos, meaning \"race, kind\".
Historia: from Latin historia, which comes from Greek historia, meaning \"inquiry, research\".
Idea: from Latin idea, which comes from Greek idea, meaning \"form, pattern\".
Juicio: from Latin iudicium, which comes from the noun iudex, meaning \"judge\".
KilÃmetro: from Greek kilo-, meaning \"thousand\", and -metro, meaning \"measure\".
LÃgica: from Latin logica, which comes from Greek logike, meaning \"pertaining to reason\".
Música: from Latin musica, which comes from Greek mousike, meaning \"art of the Muses\". The Muses were the goddesses of arts and sciences in Greek mythology.
Número: from Latin numerus, which comes from an Indo-European root meaning \"to count\".
OcÃano: from Latin oceanus, which comes from Greek Okeanos, the name of the god of the world ocean in Greek mythology.
PoesÃa :from Latin poesis ,which comes from Greekpoiesis ,meaning\" creation, production \".
QuÃmica :from Latinchemia ,which comes from Arabical-kimiya ,which in turn comes from Greekkhemeia ,meaning\" art of transmuting metals \".
ReligiÃn :from Latinreligio ,which has an uncertain origin. Some possible sources arerelegere ,\" to read again \",religare ,\" to bind \",orreeligere ,\" to choose again \".
Sistema :from Latinsystema ,which comes from GreeksystÄma ,meaning\" whole compounded of several parts \".
TecnologÃa :from Latintechnologia ,which comes from Greektekhnologia ,meaning\" systematic treatment of an art or craft \".
Universo :from Latinuniversum ,which comes from the adjectiveuniversus ,meaning\" turned into one, 0efd9a6b88